Our fields of research
Cost-effectiveness analyses for health insurance companies and associations
In the context of health research, InGef evaluates the benefits of alternative care models. The implementation of new care models according to SGB V §§ 73b, 73c or 140a, among others, is progressing nationwide. The legislator has prescribed proof of economic efficiency for these care models. In doing so, it explicitly includes the dimension of quality.
Healthcare research
Health care in Germany is subject to constant change. The aim of health services research is to investigate how access to health care, its quality and cost-effectiveness, and patient-specific benefits are influenced by social and individual factors, organizational structures and processes, financing systems, and new innovations. Health services research provides evidence for the provision of health care to the population under everyday conditions.
InGef uses a wide range of current statistical methods for the analysis of routine health insurance data. The choice of methodology is not only based on practical feasibility considerations but also carefully aligned with the specific goals of each research project. Central to this approach is the development of high-performance analysis programs, utilizing in-house developed functions in the programming languages R, SQL, and Python, which are designed to meet the challenges posed by the large volume of data in the research database.
EVA: Self-Service Analytics
The innovative software solution EVA enables fast, simple and reliable analyses for health insurance companies. With EVA, insured individuals’ data can be analyzed independently and in the shortest possible time, without the need for specialized IT knowledge.
Scoring Models in Hospital Case Auditing
Health insurance companies are obligated to review hospital bills for accuracy in order to protect the community of need from unjustified claims. The identification and selection of cases to be audited is becoming increasingly important, particularly due to the reform of the Health Insurance Medical Service (MDK) and the resulting limitation on the number of potential audits.

In June, we went to Rotterdam for the 5th European Symposium of the OHDSI Community.
Read more in our News

What we do
InGef – Institute for Applied Health Research Berlin GmbH, based in Berlin, supports the further development of health care in Germany with practice-oriented research.
As a scientific institute, InGef investigates medical care in Germany. In the maxim “Explore. Recognize. Optimize.” reflects our claim to research current challenges of the health care system through our work, to identify correlations in a timely manner and to provide practical impulses for the future care of the population in Germany.
In doing so, our goal goes beyond the descriptive analysis of the current situation. Rather, the conception and evaluation of new care structures, care processes and innovations in the German health care system as well as the derivation of necessary adjustments are the subject of our work.
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The Institute for Applied Health Research Berlin is involved in a large number of publications.
Here you can find an overview of our publications